Trap-Neuter-Return Program

TNR is Back! May 12th begins a new TNR season, continuing through the summer. Twice a month cats will be gathered, spayed/neutered, vaccinated, and returned to their original location. Interested in helping? Contact City Hall at

Why TNR? Hundreds of free-roaming/feral cats live in Linn Valley. These cats prefer outdoor life and do not seek human interaction. In fact, they prefer to be left alone. However without human intervention, they reproduce quickly. One female cat can have an estimated 75 kits in her lifetime.

What doesn’t work?

Rounding up and removing or killing cats is not the answer. Other cats simply move in to take advantage of the available resources and they breed prolifically, quickly forming a new colony.

What can we do?

If you have cats in your neighborhood, you can be part of the solution. Linn Valley citizens are coming together and working with Prairie Paws to contain the feral cat population through a program called Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR).

What is Trap/Neuter/Return?

It is the method of humanely trapping feral cats, having them spayed or neutered, vaccinated for rabies, and then returning them to their colony to live out their lives. TNR has been shown to be the least costly as well as the most efficient and humane way of stabilizing feral cat populations.

Spaying/neutering will reduce the amount of noise and fighting that comes during mating activity and TNR cats will continue to help with rodent control.

Where can I find out more about the Program?

More information about TNR can be found at the Prairie Paws website:

Request TNR Services

    Linn Valley TNR Facebook Page –